Thursday, October 2, 2008

Weekend Sketch Challenge

You know I have to say that I love It is a great source of inspiration and a wonderful forum to ask questions, get questions answered, and see some great ideas. I do happen to have a Splitcoast idol - Beate.....She is just one of the most creative people I have ever seen....If you are familiar with you have probably seen her work and know exactly what I am talking about.......If you are not familiar go to and look at her gallery. You will be impressed and amazed.

Well, every weekend Beate posts a Weekend Sketch Challenge on her personal blog. In my effort to become more creative and expand my imagination I have begun participating in various challenges. This time it is Beate's Weekend Sketch Challenge, although it is not the weekend. Usually takes me a week or so to get the project finished, as in this case.

Here is my challenge to you.....Join me in participating in these challenges and share your designs with me....I would love to see what you come up with. Use the sketch below as a guide and use your imagination, feel free to stretch your imagation....

Here is my design:

Share you thoughts, comments, and ideas. What does your design look like?

Keep your eyes out for the next challenge - Who knows when or what it will be.......


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