Monday, October 6, 2008

Calling All Stampers - Operation Shoebox in Motion

My friend, and upline, works for Hospice of Marion County and they are coordinating a round of Operation Shoebox. For those of you who don't know what Operation Shoebox is - it is a program where needed supplies, such as toiletries, etc. are sent to our troops overseas.

Well Deborah did a great thing and donated a bunch of handmade cards for soldiers to send to their families. I think it is a great idea and am calling all of my stamping friends to head the call and support our troops. All card donations need to be submitted by November 1st in order to make the deadline.

Don't know what kind of cards to send - Birthday, Getwell, Anniversary, Valentines Day are only a few. Please no Christmas/Hanukah cards - by the time our soldiers receive their packages they may not be able to use them in time. Please email me directly if you wish to participate. You can do so clicking the link below this post.

Now for my soapbox for a second - Whether you are in support or against the War in Iraq, the fact is that it is happening and these are our fellow Americans whose lives are in danger every single hour of every single day. They did not ask to go to a war zone - they are just doing their job and their job means putting themselves in the line of fire - literally. Lets gather together and show them that they are not forgotten.....Ok, I'm done now.... :)

I'd love to be able to give Deborah 100 cards to give to Operation Shoebox. I can only do that with your help. Please donate a little of your time and card supplies. One card, ten cards, fifty cards - all are welcome.


Anonymous said...

Great cause! I will make a couple to send. Nice blogspot, by the way!

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