Sunday, October 12, 2008

Look what I did....

Well I spent most of my weekend getting my contributions ready for Opertation Shoebox. In a previous post I talked about Operation Shoebox. Hospice of Marion County does operation shoebox for our soldiers overseas and my friend and upline, who works for hospice, thought that blank cards would be a great addition. That way our troops can send wishes back home....I'm sure there isn't a Hallmark really close by.

Well here is the 20 cards I did this weekend. I did 5 cards each of 4 different designs. I tried to use up some of my retired papers and stamps that I didn't get alot of time to use before they retired. The layouts are fairly simple with not alot of embellshments. I didn't want them to have to have additional postage to be mailed.

Here is the group Photo:

I hope you enjoy the projects. Please feel free to add your contribution to Operation Shoebox by donating some of your own artwork. Every single card helps. All donations need to be submitted by November 1st so please contact me if you want to help this great cause.

Ta for Now !!


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